Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Happy 2010, I am alive, and have been gaming!

Now that the holiday honeymoon of new games is winding down, I have some
time to sit down and share my thoughts. I got through Modern Warfare 2
on Veteran 100%, and I only need to finish Spec Ops and get another 60
stars and I will have all the trophies. I grew tired of the multiplayer
about the time I got some new games for Christmas so things have worked
out. I am cleansing my pallete with Batman Arkham Asylum. Holy Shit! The
free flow combat system has a bit of a learning curve,but once I figured
it out it is such a fulfilling and rewarding feeling completing a 20+
chain. The detective and forensic modes offer a unique feature I have
not scene in games before. The sneaking, stalking and hiding
elements,although not as intensive as the combat, are closer to what
Metal Gear Solid 4 should have been. I have been focusing on the story
mode mainly, but have played some of the challenges and am reminded of
brawler games that kept me playing for hours when I was young like Final
Fight, Streets of Rage, TMNT and Double Dragon. Waves of enemies coming
endlessly, and my only option to stay alive is to fight my way out. This
game gives you an glimpse of what it is like to be The Batman.
Especially when Harley starts some Japanese spin kick combo and Batman
shuts her down real quick @ the Penitentiary. Classic BAMF moments like
that are what all wanna be super heroes dream of doing.

I am waiting to complete Batman's story mode before I start back into
GTA: IV. I started on this a month an a half ago and was having a good
time. Im not too far into the game,but I am further into this than any
other game in the series between GTA 3 and IV. I look forward to what
goes on and have not read any spoilers. Call me a dipshit for being
entertained by the story of GTA IV, but I am interested in what happens

News came out recently NBA Jam is getting a current gen release. Color
me excited, except for the rumor of the game being Wii exclusive. I
believe the NBA Jam franchise could have been lucrative for Midway if
they kept up with it after the 16-bit Era. As a non fan of pro
basketball, yet a fan of playing a video game version of it, there has
been a gaping void for myself, and others like me who want to break the
backboard after a half court dunk. I hope NBA Jam stays true to the
original formula on a Wii release. 2 on 2, fast paced arcade style, with
basic 2D graphics. Tinkering with that could turn the retro gaming
enthusiast or NBA Jam fan away. Some where between the 16-bit style and
the NHL Hits style on Xbox would be top notch.

Something else I am eagerly anticipating is the rumor of a public Sing
Star video library on PS3. Sing along Karaoke videos of oddities and
freak shows could supply hours upon hours of entertainment no actual
game could provide. This is along the same lines of watching American
Idol reject shows, or watching an On Demand dating channel. People
showing off in a public forum, with the intent of being noticed for
being talented is riveting when they are being noticed for embarrassing

Stay tuned for some more insights. I have been tied up with work, MGS:
Peacewalker demo, MW2, Batman: Arkham Asylum, and watching the entire
G.I.Joe cartoon boxset as well as other wastes of time on Blu-Ray and
DVD. Happy 2010

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