Thursday, January 14, 2010

This week, in gaming.

So, I figured that I would give an update of what I have been playing lately. A fair amount of my time has been taken up by World of Warcraft, I am raiding 3 nights a week, doing casual 10 mans with my old crew. We killed Festergut last week, and we are having trouble with Rotface, mainly because people are idiots and don't know how to run to the correct spot. I have a Festergut kill video, which I have included. The quality is shit, I will figure out how to get better quality on future videos, but we do have our "Lando Magic" logo in it. Lando Magic originated when I had missed a raid due to going to an Orlando Magic v. Boston Celtics game. When I mentioned it on ventrilo, someone thought I said Lando Magic. It eventually became our name for Heroism, so when I needed our Shaman to use it, I would tell "Lando Magic!" on vent. It also became our logo with Lando Calrissian swinging his cape and birds flying out of it...exactly what you think of when someone says "Lando Magic". Tonight, I am going to a Chicago Bulls v. Boston Celtics game, so I will be missing the raid again, but hopefully they can slay some bosses.

Here is the Festergut kill video:

I am still playing Plants v. Zombies, it's such an amazing game. I really enjoy tower defense games, and Plants v. Zombies is a great new take on the genre. I have finished story, puzzle and mini-game modes, and I am currently working on survival mode, which can get pretty hard. I also have a zen garden, that consists of me watering plants, them giving me coins, and a snail picking them up for me. There is an iPhone version of the game coming out this month, I highly recommend it to anyone who has an iPhone.

I am still playing Team Fortress 2 all the time. I really love that game. I am average, if not slightly below average at this point, but I am getting my groove back, similar to Stella. I have been playing a ton of Demoman trying to unlock the Eyelander. I also played some sniper, which I am decent at, most likely my second best class, Soldier being the best. If you are interested in playing with me, just add Phegan to your steam friends, and join the server I am on. The Rar gaming community had a server for a short period of time, but everyone has moved on to other games, and the server eventually died off. In other TF2 news, Valve just announced that they will be allowing players to make content, including hats and avatars, for the game and submit it to them. I need to make something good and submit it. Per usual, they made a funny blog post about it. If you don't follow the TF2 Blog, I highly recommend it.

To round out my week of playing, I have Defense Grid: The Awakening. I picked it up for 2.49 on steam when it was on sale. Another tower defense game, with a spin. The purpose of the game is to stop aliens from getting to your control center, taking your energy cores, and removing them from the map. Unlike most tower defense games, they don't remove a life the second they get to your base, they actually have to grab a core and get off the map to take a life. It's very fun so far.

With Mass Effect 2 coming out this month, I really need to finish Mass Effect. I might take some time and blitz through the story line this week to finish it up. I also still have Mirror's Edge to finish. Return to Ostagar, the first DLC, has been pushed back, released, unreleased and pushed back again, all this week. Once that comes out I am getting back into Dragon Age: Origins where I will play the Stone Prisoner, and Return to Ostagar.

In other news, I am taking part in a 4 week project challenge, where you take 4 weeks to work on something, and complete it within that time. My first challenge will be getting my browser game into super pre-alpha, I also plan on working on a script or two, shooting some sketches and figuring out other things I can do.

In other D Pad D Bag news, Kyle and I will be starting our podcast very soon, we are meeting within the next week or so to get that started. I plan on using fraps to capture the majority of my game play in the coming months. I need to figure out how to have it grab game audio, instead of microphone audio though. As much as I know you guys will enjoy hearing me breath into a microphone while watching me shoot rockets in Team Fortress 2, I figure you might enjoy actual game sound more. Plus, I will run out of funny songs to use over the action eventually. Joe has also been working on a logo for us. It should be popping up on the site soon, but it is excellent. You can also notice that my xfire and xbox live gamertags are not showing up at the top of the site, feel free to add me as a friend on either. I am working on a PSN gamertag for Kyle, and a steam one for myself.

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