Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Elder Scrolls MMO, Notes and this weekend

I have been playing MMORPGs for years now, I played Everquest back in the day, switched to World of Warcraft upon it's launch. I took a little over a year off from WoW, where in that time I played Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, Tabula Rasa, and more than likely 2-3 other MMOs that I can't even remember anymore. are reporting that Bethesda, the makers of The Elder Scroll Series and Fallout 3, have been working on an MMO for about a year now. There are rumors going around saying that it is based in the Elder Scrolls world, which pleases me greatly. If you read my Dragon Age: Origins post, you know that I am a huge fan of The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, and I consider it to be the golden standard of single player RPG games. I have always thought, The Elder Scrolls world was tailor made for an MMO, and it seems that Bethesda agrees. I assume the game is still at least two years away, but until then, I will look forward to it eagerly.

Within the next week or so, Kyle and I are going to meet to get the Podcast going, which is going to be very entertaining, at least we hope so. I also purchased my PAX East ticket today, which should be a very fun time. Kyle and I are going with a camera to capture the ridiculous cosplay, as well as, to get some exclusive interviews that only the D-Pad D-Bags can get.

This weekend, I plan to continue working on a TF2 game play video, I have about an hours worth of play footage now. Unfortunately, there isn't a ton of highlights yet, mainly because I am just not that good. I still love playing the game, and I actually got decent at spy out of nowhere, and unlocked the Ambassador and the new watch, plus, I got Jarate for the sniper! If you are looking to play TF2 with me, add me on Steam, Phegan. Otherwise, you could always hunt down Kyle in COD:MW2. I am also working on leveling a healer in Warcraft, apparently, healers no longer like to play in my guild, so we are in dire need of them. So, I will definitely be spending time doing that. If you wish, come find me on Doomhammer, I should be on Phegan or Phezus...say hello.

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